It's you before us.

We are an architectural
atelier that places people
at the heart of our work.

Office Background

We are a Prishtina-based architectural atelier whose practice spans the fields of urban design, architecture and interior design. Our practice creates public and private spaces that manifest powerful aesthetics through a clear and modern sensibility.

Through many years, we have been commissioned to design important buildings in a set of different urban fabrics.

Design Philosophy

Since its inception, our guiding principle has been to make architecture that arises from strong and impactful artistic sensibilities. Each of our projects are brought to life through analytical insights resulting in highly crafted spaces with strong elements of personalization.

Our work is brought to life and made complete by those who use it.


Dukagjin Behxheti

Founder and Principal

Mr. Behxheti founded the practice in 2002.

Over many years of professional involvement in the architectural design of various structures, Dukagjin has established a sustainable approach to the design of built environment. Dukagjin believes that the quality of our surroundings affects the quality of our lives, and is driven by his passion for innovation and excellence.

Dukagjin is a passionate admirer of sports that involve great speed. He holds great interest for beautiful and innovative works of automobile design.

Mr. Behxheti received a degree in Architectural Engineering from Univeristy of Prishtina in 2003.

1994 Bing Thom Architects
2002 D-Lin Design
2012 Ecolog
2012 abd & associates
2016 DB.A Architects

Started working as an intern architect.

Founded his first practice.

Until 2014 was in charge of Ecolog as Executive Officer in Chief.

Joined abd & associates as managing partner.

Founded his atelier which is active to date.

Meet our exceptionally talented team of digital natives.

Our experienced team
delivers amazing results.

  • Dukagjin Behxheti
    Dukagjin Behxheti Founder and Principal
  • Ndriçim Aliu
    Ndriçim Aliu Architect
  • Fisnik Lushaku
    Fisnik Lushaku Architect
  • Gent Dauti
    Gent Dauti Architect
  • Tivar Kelmendi
    Tivar Kelmendi Chief Technology Officer