SPAR Market
“Swiss Mall”
“Swiss Mall”
This store lays on two storey anchored on the recently built shopping mall “Swiss Mall”. The lower level serves Back Of House, which is directly linked with the bakery and preparation area in the upper level. Epoxy resin floor, wooden texture melamine, combined with wire fixtures and anthracite color finish, make a distinctive premium Look and Feel which put the store highly ranked among other competitors.
The initial concept menu includes the irreplaceable SPAR hero category, Bakery. Alongside Bake-Off concept there are other sections in the Hot Corner such as Served Hot Food To Go, Meat, Fish, Deli and Coffee which brings a mixture of services based on demand.
Location: Prishtina, Kosovo
Area: 1,010 m2
Client: SPAR Kosova J.S.C.
Year: 2019
Status: Completed